Interview with Vivian Hoorn about her Love for Cape Town

Interview with Vivian Hoorn about her Love for Cape Town

We know Vivian Hoorn from her amazing photography and classy yet fun Instagram shots. She spends lots of time traveling: a girl you can basically meet anywhere around the world. And so I did. I run into her spontaneously in Bali. At my favorite hangout in Canggu, The Slow, she told me about her love for Cape Town and that’s exactly where she’s been hanging around the last few months. A place I haven’t been yet, but craving to travel to.. And who’s the reason for that? Let’s interview Vivian Hoorn about her favorite places.

You travel a lot for your work as a fashion photographer. What are your favorite places to shoot and to enjoy life?

Capetown, Capetown aaand… Capetown!

Tell us… Why is Cape Town your all-time favorite city?

It’s pretty perfect: it has lots of sunshine, the vibe is really good, you will meet great people.. Every day is a new adventure!

You made us all excited about Capetown. What are your favorite hotspots?

I love Clarke’s for lunch. Kloofstreethouse is really amazing for dinner. Seapoint has a cool swimming pool. People will start to scream and encourage you when you jump from the top shelf. Go to the observatory for the best vintage shops ever! And last but not least, Clifton 2 for sunset beach days.

There’s a huge water shortage in Cape Town at the moment. Day Zero might arrive soon, the day that no water will come from the tap. What do you notice about this whilst being there?

Well, quite a lot actually. We don’t take a shower every day anymore, and if we do, we allow ourselves to only take a shower for a max of 30 seconds. We save that same water to subsequently flush the toilets with. We do everything to save as much water as we can.

Almost none of the swimming pools are still open in the city and you can only buy a few bottles of water a person. Water is our primary needs, and that’s something that I realize now more than ever. If I’m back in the Netherlands, I won’t need to worry about water, but I fear for the ones who will experience Day Zero. It really makes you so conscious of the amount of water we use, we take too much for granted.

What do you prefer? Nature or civilization?

Adorable, historic places make me intensely happy. I love Europe for it!

What is your biggest travel dream?

Mexico, Australia, and Hawai! Also, a big road trip to the most Nothern part of the world would be the coolest trip ever. And… I got a few thousand other travel dreams haha!

Also read: What to do When You Visit Cape Town for The First Time

Thanks Vivian, you make us want to visit Cape Town even more. It’s sad to hear about the water shortage though. So, the ones traveling there soon, let’s try to save as much water as we can. Follow Vivian on her travel adventures @vivianhoorn. Curious to see her photography? Find her portfolio here!